Hi! I’m Josh and I’ve been mapping with my class for the last semester. For lack of a
better word, mapping has made me feel less useless towards a lot of causes. Often it feels that we are so disconnected from important causes because of distance, although mapping somewhere as close as another state, or as far as the other side of the globe can be positively affected by our effort in the classroom.
TeenMaptivists has also helped shed light on important issues that otherwise I wouldn’t be aware of! Even things I’m passionate about like women's rights and safety or access to food, I’ve learned more about through the month goals. After I learn about a goal I feel like I can help make a change for the better through mapping! If I could map anything, I’d
want to map all of the areas in Brazil inhabited by frogs! They are my favorite animal and
Brazil has 1175 different amphibian species to protect! Brazil has the most in the world!
Mapping is easy to learn and even fun, or relaxing to do! If I get in the zone, by the end of
the period I won’t want to leave the computer lab! Not to mention donuts every week!