Mapping for Women's Empowerment
Gender equity in mapping fields is crucial for creating inclusive representations of our world. By incorporating gender perspectives, maps can highlight the unique challenges women face and facilitate targeted interventions in areas such as education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Empowering women with mapping skills enhances their participation and elevates their voice in decision-making processes. Through gender-equitable mapping practices, we can drive sustainable development, promote social justice, and improve women's livelihoods.
Guest Speaker
Patricia Solís
Patricia Solís, PhD, geographer, is co-founder and director of YouthMappers, a
consortium of student-led humanitarian mapping chapters on more than 388 university
campuses in 78 countries. The program creates and uses open, volunteered spatial
data in collaboration with USAID, including projects to combat malaria in Africa, flooding in East Asia, hurricanes and earthquakes in Latin America and the Caribbean, rural electrification in West Africa and heat related deaths in Arizona. Solís is Executive
Director of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University, an
interdisciplinary effort to link multi-sector community needs with research innovations
around resilience to economic shocks, social disruption, and environmental threats. She is an Associate Research Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at ASU. Her disciplinary expertise centers on the application of participatory geospatial technologies for humanitarian, environment and development needs. Solís also serves a diplomatic appointment as President of the PanAmerican Institute of Geography and History for the Organization of American States and on the Fulbright Roster of Experts.
Marcela Zeballos
Marcela Zeballos is the Managing Director for YouthMappers. She received bachelor’s degrees in International Affairs and Geography from The George Washington University in Washington, DC. Her work centers on creating inclusive spaces for student participation that rebalance privilege dynamics and expand the scope of youth contributions. She values connecting with people and building community. Previously, she worked for the Association of American Geographers and the Institute of International Education.
Train Your Mappers
Overview of the Process
1. Create an OSM Account & Complete the iD Editor Walkthrough
2. Learn to Navigate the Tasking Managers & Find a Project
3. Selecting a Mapping Square
4. Tips to be a Good Mapper
5. Saving Your Edits & Submitting your Square
Mapping Workflow
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your OSM Credentials
3. Read the instructions
4. Click 'Contribute'
5. Select an available mapping square
6. Start mapping! For this project, we are only mapping buildings.
7. Make sure to save every 10 edits using your chapter hashtag (#TeenMaptivists #TM_SchoolInitials)
8. When you are done mapping, indicate that the square is not completely mapped (while we are only mapping buildings, the project requests roads, so we will not mark the cell as completely mapped) and click 'Submit'
Goal: 20-30 Edits!
Mapping Task
Project #1588
Announce the location and time of March's Local Map-a-Thon
Planning a Local Map-a-Thon
In the above document, you will a brief overview of the purpose and objectives of the Local Map-a-Thon. We have also formulated some examples of activities your chapter may choose to do as well as some helpful tips and tricks.
After each Local Map-a-Thon, please submit a brief recap of what activity your chapter chose to do, using the above form. The form includes a section where you can upload some pictures for us to share with the broader network!