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What is TeenMaptivists?

We are a community of students, educators, and map-enthusiasts coming together to leverage open-source geospatial technologies in order to enhance geography curriculum, bolster geographic and digital literacy, and equip students with the technical and leadership tools needed to address community and global challenges. By instilling in students the confidence and agency needed to leave a footprint on their communities, we are building the next generation of geographers. Through this experiential learning environment, we are empowering the next generation of geographers to take action by expanding their geography tool belt. 

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Our Mission

TeenMaptivists is a national network of high-school, student-led chapters. We collaborate with humanitarian and geospatial organizations on mapping tasks that respond to development and humanitarian needs around the world. Through guest speakers, field mapping, national map-a-thons, and tailored training workshops, we are instilling the power of community and importance of activism in students. Through publicly available, open-source GIS platforms, students can leverage the power to make a difference in their communities. 


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