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Teacher Toolkit

On this page you'll find all the resources and guides needed to maintain a TeenMaptivist Chapter.

The Chapter Advisor Manual serves as your central location for all things TeenMaptivists. We cover all of your FAQ and provide resources on how to begin and maintain a TeenMaptivist chapter.

Chapter Management

At the beginning of each year, or when your chapter forms, consult the attached Student Officer Position descriptions. Each chapter is expected to elect students to these positions in order to maintain their chapter. 

The Press Kit includes all the information you need to speak and post about TeenMaptivists. Please consult the drafted statements and branding usage policy when publicly posting about TeenMaptivists. 


Interested in sharing your experiences with TeenMaptivists? Submit a blog post or submit pictures from your chapter events!

Privacy Policy and Permission Slips

The OpenStreetMap sign-up process requires an email address for each student. Here are communication resources to navigate the privacy concerns related to this process, including school permission slip and a parent/guardian letter template.

The AGS TeenMaptivists initiative is made possible through a generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. 

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