Mapping for Rural and Urban Development
Mapping plays a pivotal role in both urban and rural development by providing crucial spatial information that aids in planning, decision-making, and resource allocation. In urban areas, accurate mapping enables planners to assess infrastructure needs, optimize transportation networks, and identify areas for revitalization. It helps in managing resources efficiently, enhancing public services, and mitigating environmental risks. In rural regions, mapping facilitates land-use planning, agricultural management, and natural resource conservation. It enables governments and organizations to identify suitable locations for infrastructure projects, support disaster preparedness and response, and empower local communities with valuable information for sustainable development initiatives.
Train Your Mappers
Overview of the Process
1. Create an OSM Account & Complete the iD Editor Walkthrough
2. Learn to Navigate the Tasking Managers & Find a Project
3. Selecting a Mapping Square
4. Tips to be a Good Mapper
5. Saving Your Edits & Submitting your Square
National Mapathon
TeachOSM: Mapping Grayson County, Texas
Mapping Workflow
1. Go to https://tasks.teachosm.org/projects/1606
2. Sign in with your OSM Credentials
3. Read the instructions
4. Click 'Contribute'
5. Select an available mapping square
6. Start mapping! For this project, we are only mapping buildings.
7. Make sure to save every 10 edits using your chapter hashtag (#TeenMaptivists, #TM_SchoolInitials, #maptivists24, #TM_NationalMapathon2024)
8. When you are done mapping, indicate that the square is not completely mapped (while we are only mapping buildings, the project requests roads, so we will not mark the cell as completely mapped) and click 'Submit'
Goal: 20-30 Edits!
Field Mapping with OSM
Learn to use Field Papers by helping map your own community!
Mapping Workflow
1. Go to https://fieldpapers.org
2. Sign in with your OSM Credentials
3. Click MAKE and type in a title for your atlas
4. Using the map on the right, zoom to the area of interest
5. Click "Make Atlas"
6. After it loads, click "Download PDF" and print!
7. Now you're ready to get out in the field! Mark all buildings, streets, street lights, or whatever you've chosen to focus on in your chosen area as you're outside.
8. When you are done marking your printed map, you can go to the website and click UPLOAD
9. Take a high-resolution picture of your map and upload the PNG or JPG file by using the "Choose Files" button. Make sure that your map fills your screen and that the photo is not taken at an angle.
10. You've added your surveyed information to the OSM database! You can download your map (“Download PDF”) to save, print, or share using the unique URL.

Enjoy your summer, TeenMaptivists! If you want to keep practicing on OSM, you can find projects on the HOT OSM and TeachOSM Tasking Managers.
Planning a Local Map-a-Thon
In the above document, you will a brief overview of the purpose and objectives of the Local Map-a-Thon. We have also formulated some examples of activities your chapter may choose to do as well as some helpful tips and tricks.
After each Local Map-a-Thon, please submit a brief recap of what activity your chapter chose to do, using the above form. The form includes a section where you can upload some pictures for us to share with the broader network!