Mapping for Rural Development
Mapping plays a crucial role in rural development by providing detailed geographic and spatial information that aids in effective planning and resource management. Through mapping, stakeholders can identify and analyze key areas such as infrastructure needs, natural resources, and population distribution. This data-driven approach allows for targeted interventions, such as improving transportation networks, optimizing land use, and implementing sustainable practices. By highlighting disparities and opportunities, mapping helps ensure that development efforts are more strategic and impactful, ultimately fostering economic growth and enhancing the quality of life in rural communities.
Introduction to September's Theme
Are you ready to learn what we'll be mapping for this month? Check out the slides below to learn more about how you can map for rural development! Make sure to submit a blog this month using one or several of the prompts below.
Blog Prompts
1. What do you think are unique challenges faced by rural areas? How can mapping help rural communities?
2. When you think about rural America, what do you think of? What are social, cultural, and economic networks important to rural life in the US?
3. When you think about rural life around the world, what comes to mind? Do you think rural-to-urban migration will increase in the future? Why?
Train Your Mappers
Overview of the Process
1. Create an OSM Account & Complete the iD Editor Walkthrough
2. Learn to Navigate the Tasking Managers & Find a Project
3. Selecting a Mapping Square
4. Tips to be a Good Mapper
5. Saving Your Edits & Submitting your Square
Mapping Project
TeachOSM: Mapping Rural Infrastructure in Barguna, Bangladesh
Mapping Workflow
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your OSM Credentials
3. Read the instructions
4. Click 'Contribute'
5. Select an available mapping square
6. Start mapping! For this project, we are only mapping buildings.
7. Make sure to save every 10 edits using your chapter hashtag (#TeenMaptivists, #TM_SchoolInitials, #maptivists24)
8. When you are done mapping, indicate that the square is not completely mapped (while we are only mapping buildings, the project requests roads, so we will not mark the cell as completely mapped) and click 'Submit'
Goal: 20-30 Edits!
Welcome back to school, TeenMaptivists! Student Officers should be selected from your chapter and responsibilities delegated according to the Student Officer Guide.
Planning a Local Map-a-Thon
In the above document, you will a brief overview of the purpose and objectives of the Local Map-a-Thon. We have also formulated some examples of activities your chapter may choose to do as well as some helpful tips and tricks.
After each Local Map-a-Thon, please submit a brief recap of what activity your chapter chose to do, using the above form. The form includes a section where you can upload some pictures for us to share with the broader network!