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Mapping for Public Health


Mapping is vital for public health as it allows officials to identify disease patterns and trends within specific areas, aiding in resource allocation and targeted interventions. By visualizing data on maps, high-risk areas can be pinpointed, enabling tailored interventions and efficient resource allocation. Moreover, mapping assists in assessing environmental health risks and monitoring the effectiveness of public health programs over time. During emergencies, such as outbreaks or natural disasters, mapping facilitates swift response efforts by quickly identifying affected areas and coordinating resources. Mapping provides critical insights into health issues' distribution, supporting decision-making processes to improve public health outcomes.

Introduction to May's Theme

Are you ready to learn what we'll be mapping for this month? Check out the video below to learn more about how you can map for public health!

About TeenMaptivists 

Welcome to TeenMaptivists!


Introduction to the Chapter Network

Slide Deck

Guest Speaker

Bonny McClain

Bonny P McClain is a geospatial analyst, public speaker, author and self-described human geographer and social anthropologist exploring geographic properties that capture complex interactions, dynamic shifts in ecosystem balance and how activities influence eco-geomorphic conceptual frameworks across a wide variety of environments including healthcare, the built infrastructure and economic theory. Bonny is a sought-after keynote and event speaker focused on infrastructure with the understanding that we don’t float above buildings, bridges, and highways — we walk, drive, and navigate through and on them. Using the city as an operational unit she uses open-source solutions to tell stories about urban form and morphometrics and what we can learn from the social demographic layers located within and the vulnerabilities encountered with climate risk and change.  Bonny has recently published Python for Geospatial Data Analysis (O'Reilly) and  Geospatial Analysis with SQL (Packt) and is developing the first draft of Geospatial Data Science & the Art of Storytelling with Locate Press.


Carrie Stokes, USAID (4).png

Train Your Mappers

Overview of the Process

1. Create an OSM Account & Complete the iD Editor Walkthrough

2. Learn to Navigate the Tasking Managers & Find a Project

3. Selecting a Mapping Square

4. Tips to be a Good Mapper

5. Saving Your Edits & Submitting your Square 

Mapping Task

MapSwipe: Mapping Waste Piles - Ndirande, Malawi

Getting Started with MapSwipe
1. Watch the tutorial and demo video linked below!
2. Download "MapSwipe" from the App Store or Google Play Store
3. Log in with your OSM Credentials 
4. Find the above project "Mapping Waste Piles - Ndirande Malawi"
5. Start the "Tutorial" (Green Button) 
6. Once you are comfortable mapping using the tutorial, click "Map now"
7. Have fun swiping!

National Mapathon

TeachOSM: Mapping Grayson County, Texas

Mapping Workflow
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your OSM Credentials 
3. Read the instructions 
4. Click 'Contribute' 
5. Select an available mapping square 
6. Start mapping! For this project, we are only mapping buildings. 
7. Make sure to save every 10 edits using your chapter hashtag  (#TeenMaptivists, #TM_SchoolInitials, #maptivists24, #TM_NationalMapathon2024)
8. When you are done mapping, indicate that the square is not completely mapped (while we are only mapping buildings, the project requests roads, so we will not mark the cell as completely mapped) and click 'Submit'

Goal: 20-30 Edits!



  • Announce the National Map-a-Thon, which will be held on May 18th, 12 - 4 pm E

Planning a Local Map-a-Thon

In the above document, you will a brief overview of the purpose and objectives of the Local Map-a-Thon. We have also formulated some examples of activities your chapter may choose to do as well as some helpful tips and tricks.

After each Local Map-a-Thon, please submit a brief recap of what activity your chapter chose to do, using the above form. The form includes a section where you can upload some pictures for us to share with the broader network!

The AGS TeenMaptivists initiative is made possible through a generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. 

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