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What is TeenMaptivists?

TeenMaptivists is a national network of high-school, student-led chapters.  Through guest speakers, field mapping, national mapathons, and tailored training workshops, we are instilling the power of community and importance of activism in students. Through publicly available, open-source GIS platforms, students can leverage the power of geography and cartography to make a difference in their communities.

Our Chapters!

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This Spring we welcomed 14 new chapters into our TeenMaptivists network, bringing us to a total of 20 chapters across 11 states in the U.S.! We sourced our new chapter advisors exclusively from our 2024-2025 AGS Teacher Fellows; a cohort of AP Human Geography teachers from across the country, who are dedicated to increasing spatial literacy, and opportunities in the geospatial world for their students. We are eager to continue growing our network and aim to reach 50 schools in the Fall 2025 semester!

This map shows states with active TeenMaptivists chapters across the continental U.S. Don't see your state highlighted? Consider joining TeenMaptivists in the Fall of 2025!

Our Impact!


Points added by TeenMaptivists Mappers to OpenStreetMap


Buildings mapped since TeenMaptivists Conception

Our TeenMaptivists students utilize OpenStreetMap as their main tool for chapter activities and geo-spatial learning. OpenStreetMap is an open source mapping software, that allows volunteers all over the world to contribute their knowledge to help better map communities both local and abroad!

The AGS TeenMaptivists initiative is made possible through a generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. 

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